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IBS Conferences


Call for Applications for Associate Director Position at the "Center for Van der Waals Quantum Solids" of the Institute for Basic Science

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) is a government-funded research institute founded in November 2011 with the purpose of driving forward the development of basic science in South Korea through large-scale, long-term, group research. IBS is currently operating Research Centers in mathematics, physics, chemistry, life sciences, Earth science and interdisciplinary sciences.

IBS invites applicants for the position of Associate Director who are senior-level researchers with high research potentials, and are able to run his or her own research group in collaboration with the directors within their Research Center.

1. Introduction of the research center

  • Center for Van der Waals Quantum Solids is one of the newest IBS centers (established in February 2022) on fundamental materials physics, hosted at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) as an IBS Campus Center. The Center sets clear and specific research missions: (1) to create “novel vdW solids”, where their lattices are epitaxially molded in atomic precision by advanced epitaxy, and (2) to theoretically investigate new electronic structures and the associated properties, and (3) to explore their potentials into new types of “vdW quantum circuitry”. A whole new avenue of these vdW quantum solids will be explored synergically among the director and associate directors by a one-team spirit.
  • For more information, visit https://dmpl.postech.ac.kr/

2. Job description

The research subject of vdW materials theory

  • This associate director position will serve critical roles in assisting the founding director and the other research groups of the center to achieve the goal of the research center, particularly in the research area of theoretical investigations of new electronic structures and the associated properties, including quantum mechanical first-principles simulations of interacting lattices, electrons and photons in vdW materials, and/or atomistic simulations for thermodynamic and kinetics in vdW epitaxy toward building new vdW quantum solids.
  • The associate director will lead a theory group within the center to conduct the world-class research on vdW materials, such as the mechanisms of diverse vdW heterostructures and their physical properties by using the state-of-the-art computational methods and/or theoretical modeling.
  • Applicants should have a strong record of scholarly achievement at theoretical physics and/or computational materials science, research experiences of vdW materials, a significant record of securing external funding and evidence of leadership ability in computational physics and/or materials science.
  • The candidates must have experience managing a large research program and staff within an academic institution (or equivalent agency responsible for research) and be able to articulate a strong vision to further the research and outreach programs in IBS.
  • The successful candidates should be able to acquire the full professor level position at POSTECH.

3. Requirements for the position

  • All candidates must be able to commit themselves entirely in the long-term to IBS research activities.
  • All candidates must be able to manage their respective research groups in collaboration with the director of the Center.
  • The candidate should be recognized as one of the leaders in the international community of his or her research field.
  • The associate director candidate be proficient in dealing with audiences ranging from the general public to the uppermost levels of scientists and policymakers regarding the relevant scientific and policy issues as a highly credible representative of the center. The position calls for vision, insights, driving forces, and good judgment; intellectual leadership skills; excellent communication skills; a keen sense of public and scientific policy; financial and team management skills.

4. Offer

  • Authority to run his/her own research team.
  • Sizable independent research budget (the successful candidate may negotiate with the director of the center to finalize the size of his/her research budget and how to set up his/her budget account if necessary).
  • Tenured or permanent position.
  • Competitive salary that is negotiable.

5. General Selection Procedure

  • ①Recruitment of applicants by public advertisement
  • ②Selection of candidates for in-depth evaluation
  • ③Symposium and in-depth interview by in-depth evaluation panel
  • ④Decision by the SEC(Selection & Evaluation Committee) about recommendation
  • ⑤Negotiation with the director
  • ⑥Appointment by the president

6. Application Submission

  • Fill out the application form in English and email it as a single PDF file to adapply@ibs.re.kr no later than October 14, 2022.
  • E-mail title needs to be “Applicant name_Center for Van der Waals Quantum Solids”
[ Contact Information ]
(Research Center)

KIM Yeyoung, Center for Van der Waals Quantum Solids
Email: yykim@ibs.re.kr

(Evaluation Process)

LEE Seunghyun, Research Evaluation Team
Email: lee.sh@ibs.re.kr
Institute for Basic Science
(34126) 55, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
* For more information, please visit IBS website (https://www.ibs.re.kr).

Application Form for IBS Associate Directorial Positions(2022) docx 다운로드docx Download
Associate Directorship FAQ(2022) PDF 다운로드PDF Download

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