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Title 2024-2 Recruitment Announcement for Researcher Positions at the Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems
Person in charge Personnel in charge of hiring E-mail Address phw@ibs.re.kr Tel No.
Department Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems Registration Date 2024-12-30 00:00 Closing Date 2025-01-14 18:00
Status Closed

2024-2 Recruitment Announcement for Researcher Positions at the Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems

Institute for Basic Science (IBS) is a national research institute established in accordance with Article 14 of the Special Act on Establishment of and Support for International Science and Business Belts. IBS aims to discover creative knowledge and secure original technologies through world-class basic science research.

The Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems aims to take up the grand challenge and to create a world-class laboratory for the nonlinear classical and quantum dynamics of nano-structured systems, and to conduct cutting edge research on phenomena at the interfaces of applied and computational theoretical condensed matter physics and optics. Our center invites a creative and dynamic talent who will help us to achieve our goals.

□ Recruitment Area and Openings

Recruitment Area and Openings
Job Category Recruitment Area Required Qualifications Affiliation
Postdoctoral Research Associate Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems Degree: Doctoral degree (obtained within recent 5 years or to be obtained within 3 months from the expected appointment date)
Major: Physics or related area
- Preferences: Research experience in flat band physics, superconductivity, theoretical modeling of electric circuit networks, and Anderson localization are welcome among others
Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems
(HQ, Daejeon)
Total 1

※ The term of employment contract is limited to Center’s closure (set as Dec 31, 2025). The Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (PCS) will close on December 31, 2025.

□ Qualifications and Preferences

  • [Required qualifications]
  • • Must be in compliance with the requirements for appointments as specified in Article 33 of the State Public Officials Act and IBS statutes.
  • • If candidates are found to be former public officials dismissed for corruption as set forth in Article 82 of the Act on the Prevention of Corruption and the Establishment of the Anti-corruption and Civil Rights Commission, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • • Must have no restrictions traveling overseas. Male applicants must have completed or be exempted from compulsory military service.
  • • Must meet the requirements by the end of the application deadline.

  • [Preferred qualifications]
  • ▪ Individuals with disabilities as defined in Articles 3 and 4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, or individuals eligible for employment assistance as defined in Article 29 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment of and Support for Persons, Etc. of Distinguished Service to the State (additional points will be given during the screening/evaluation process)
  • - 5 additional points for those who submit the certificate of disabilities
  • - 5/10 additional points for those who submit the certificate of employment protection for the national war veteran
    ※ If there is an overlap in additional points, only the highest score will be awarded.
  • • Women in science, engineering and technology as defined in Article 2 of the Act on Fostering and Supporting Women Scientists and Technicians

□ Schedule

Category Schedule
Application period December 30, 2024
~ January 14, 2025
∘ Submit the required documents via E-mail (phw@ibs.re.kr)
Document screening ~ Jan. 24, 2025 ∘Review items: Relevance to the recruitment area, expertise in research achievement, work capability, development potential, etc.
∘Eligibility: Applicants who have met the required qualification.
∘Select up to five times the number of candidates than open position for the next screening step. Select applicants with the highest average scores (minimum average score: 80).
Interview screening ~ Feb. 7, 2025 ∘Review items: Expertise in the recruitment area, presentation skill, attitude, problem solving skills, development potential, fluency in foreign languages(English), etc.
∘Eligibility: Applicants who pass the document screening
∘Select the final candidates with the highest average scores (minimum average score: 80) within the number of openings.
∘Select up to three times the number of candidates than open positions for the waiting list. In case the final successful candidate cannot be appointed due to withdrawal or disqualification, appointments can be made in accordance with the ranking of potential successful candidates. However, the effective period of the potential successful candidate is limited to a maximum of 3 months from the earlier of either the expected appointment date (Mar. 1, 2025) or the appointment date of the original successful candidate.
※ When the applicants are not competent enough, the IBS may select the final candidates less than the number of openings.
Appointment Mar. 1, 2025 ∘Appointment date can be negotiable (no later than June 1, 2025)
※ A candidate planning to obtain a PhD degree until May 31, 2025 is eligible to apply.
  • ※ The interview can be conducted in English and online video interview.
  • ※ The schedule above may be subject to change.

□ Required Documents

Required Documents
Category Detail
Step 1
(Document screening)
1. Curriculum vitae including a list of publications(PDF format)
2. Research statement (PDF format)
3. Two recommendation letters (in English)
※ letters forwarded by an applicant will not be considered
4. Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information (attached)
5. Application for the institute for Basic Science (attached)
6. Supporting documents for persons with disabilities or eligible for veterans’ benefit (if applicable)
Step 2
(Interview screening)
※ There can be additional required documents according to the situation at the group

□ Term of employment contract

  • (Postdoctoral research associate) will be eligible to renew employment contract once after the initial term and the total employment period is up to three years.
    • ※ Contract renewal after initial contract can be available in accordance with the result of the performance review.
    • ※ In case of the Center’s closure (set as Dec. 31, 2025) during employment, the employment contract will be terminated accordingly.
    • ※ The term of employment contract is limited to the end date of the Center (Dec. 31, 2025).

□ Application Submission and Period

  • 〇 How to apply: e-mail at phw@ibs.re.kr
  • 〇 E-mail Title: [2024-2 PCS–(name)]
  • 〇 Open and closing dates: Dec. 30, 2024 ~ Jan. 14, 2025 until 18:00 KST
  • 〇 Please kindly note that if your application misses to submit a part of required documents including recommendation letters by the deadline, your application shall not be accepted.

□ Other Information

  • 〇 The revised guidelines of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (revision on 3 Nov. 2022, implementation on 1 Jan. 2023) have allowed a flexible application of the blind hiring policy to secure excellent researchers, thereby broadening the scope of information to be collected (e.g., academic background, schools, period spent on obtaining degrees, reference letters [including referees’ information] and experience). However, personal information that can identify the applicant (e.g., gender and age) is still not collected.
  • 〇 PCS, IBS is an Equal Opportunity or Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status. Any biased information will not be provided to committees at all.
  • 〇 Applicants will be responsible for any consequences of making mistakes, missing information or not submitting required documentation in their submitted applications. If any information is found to be incorrect or false, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • 〇 Submitted documents may be returned when a request is made within three months from the announcement of the final result in accordance with Article 4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Fair Hiring Procedure Act.
  • 〇 If candidates are disqualified due to a background check or a physical examination result, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • 〇 If candidates are found to be former public officials dismissed for corruption as set forth in Article 82 of the Act on the Prevention of Corruption and the Establishment of the Anti-corruption and Civil Rights Commission, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • 〇 No applicants may be hired if there are no applicants deemed qualified during the screening process.
  • 〇 If hired, the job category/grade and annual salary will be determined in accordance with IBS rules and regulations.
  • 〇 Successful candidates are expected to start on Mar. 1, 2025 (negotiable - no later than June 1, 2025)
  • 〇 Inquiries: phw@ibs.re.kr

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Content Manager
Human Resources Development Team : Kim Ju Yeon   042-878-8269
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20