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IBS Conferences
Notification of Rescheduling Open Presentation of IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems 게시판 상세보기
Title Notification of Rescheduling Open Presentation of IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems
Name 전체관리자 Registration Date 2020-02-10 Hits 1412
att. jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

Notification of Rescheduling Open Presentation of IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems

Due to concern about the spread of novel coronavirus infections, IBS HQ would like to inform of rescheduling the open presentation for 5th year review of the Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems as follows:

○ Change in schedule for open presentation
   - Original : February 19 (Wed), 2020, 10:30-14:20 (Place: #336, IBS HQ)
   - Rescheduled: June 24 (Wed), 2020, 10:30-14:20 (Place: #336, IBS HQ)

○ Contact: LEE Junyoung, Research Evaluation Team, IBS (042-878-8176, jylee@ibs.re.kr)


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Public Relations Team : Yim Ji Yeob   042-878-8173
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20