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IBS CI KIM Jae Kyoung Becomes First Asian Editor for SIAM Review 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS CI KIM Jae Kyoung Becomes First Asian Editor for SIAM Review
Name 전체관리자 Registration Date 2024-11-13 Hits 531
att. jpg 파일명 : Chief Investigator (CI) KIM Jae Kyoung of the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Group.jpg Chief Investigator (CI) KIM Jae Kyoung of the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Group.jpg

IBS CI KIM Jae Kyoung Becomes First Asian Editor for SIAM Review

- SIAM Review: The Leading Journal in Applied Mathematics -

- Set to be First Korean Scholar to Deliver Keynote at SIAM Annual Meeting in Canada in 2025 -

▲ Chief Investigator (CI) KIM Jae Kyoung of the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Group

KIM Jae Kyoung, Chief Investigator (CI) of the Biomedical Mathematics Group within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and Professor at KAIST’s Department of Mathematical Sciences, has been appointed as an editor for the prestigious journal SIAM Review, the leading publication in applied mathematics.

Founded in 1959, SIAM Review boasts the highest impact factor in the field of applied mathematics (10.8). Starting in January 2025, Kim will serve a three-year term as an editor of the journal's Research Spotlight section. This section is overseen by a panel of 10 esteemed scholars in applied mathematics worldwide, and Kim is the first researcher from Asia to hold this position in the journal’s 65-year history.

Additionally, Kim has been invited as the first Korean keynote speaker at the 2025 SIAM Annual Meeting, set to take place in Montreal, Canada, in July. This invitation marks international recognition of his research excellence and is expected to pave the way for further collaborative opportunities with researchers worldwide.

Kim has been working on solving complex biomedical challenges through mathematical approaches. His notable achievements include correcting errors in the U.S. FDA's new drug approval guidelines and solving a 60-year-old problem in circadian rhythm research. Recently, he authored the book If Mathematics is the Language of Biology, and has actively contributed to science education and mentoring future scientists through the IBS Research Internship Program.

Expressing his enthusiasm, Kim stated, “I am thrilled to serve as an editor for the top journal in applied mathematics. I aim to enhance the country’s reputation in the field and support outstanding Korean researchers in gaining international recognition.”


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20