Title | 2023 IBS Research Center Evaluations Completed | ||||
Name | 전체관리자 | Registration Date | 2024-01-04 | Hits | 480 |
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2023 IBS Research Center Evaluations CompletedResearch Assessments of 11th, 8th and 5th-year Work by Nine Centers Launched between 2012 and 2018 The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) completed research evaluations of nine Centers (11th-year review for four Centers* launched in 2012, 8th-year review for four Centers** launched in 2014 and 2015, and 5th-year review for one Chief Investigator (CI) group*** launched in 2018). * Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunctions, Center for Geometry and Physics, Center for Nanoparticle Research and Center for RNA Research ** Center for Genomic Integrity, Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems and Center for Vascular Research *** Discrete Mathematics Group Centers are assessed on qualitative criteria including scientific excellence, recruitment and fostering of next-generation scientific leaders, and Center operation and management. As a benchmark for excellence in research, Centers are categorized into four grades*. * S (Outstanding: well recognized in a broad research field and a leader in Center’s research field globally), A (Excellent: a leader in Center’s research field globally), B (Good: a leader in Center’s research field domestically, but not globally) and C (Fair: does not satisfy the description of rating B) The Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunctions (Director KIM Eunjoon), Center for Nanoparticle Research (Director HYEON Taeghwan), Center for RNA Research (Director KIM V. Narry) and Center for Geometry and Physics (Director OH Yong-Geun), all in their 11th-year of operation; along with the Center for Vascular Research (Director KOH Gou Young) in their 8th-year of operation, were all awarded the highest grade, ‘S’, in recognition of their global leadership in their respective fields. The Discrete Mathematics Group (CI OUM Sang-il) received the highest grade, ‘S’, for its leading position in the Group’s research field globally. Review panels for each Center, composed of outstanding scientists, conducted the evaluation process through document reviews and on-site visits of their assigned Center starting in January 2023. Subsequently, after comprehensive reviews by the Selection and Evaluation Committee in April and October 2023, and consultation by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) in May and November 2023, evaluation results were reported to the Board of Trustees on 19 December 2023 and finalized. Sixty-four outstanding scientists (34 world-class scientists from nine countries and 30 expert scientists from Korea) participated in the 2023 IBS Research Center evaluations. Notably, rapporteurs were present in all 8th year reviews, some of 11th year reviews and the 5th year review alongside designated review panels to ensure fairness and objectivity of the evaluations. Based on the 2023 evaluation results and SAB recommendations, IBS plans to implement necessary measures in the operation of Centers. These measures include maintaining or phasing out Centers, adjusting research scope, group, personnel or budget, or strengthening research collaborations among research groups. |
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