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IBS Director OH Yong-Geun Wins the 2019 Korea Science Award 게시판 상세보기
Title IBS Director OH Yong-Geun Wins the 2019 Korea Science Award
Name 전체관리자 Registration Date 2020-01-13 Hits 2265
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Director OH Yong-Geun, honored with the 2019 “Korea Science Prize”

오용근 IBS 기하학 수리물리 연구단장
▲ Director Oh Yong-Geun of the IBS Center for Geometry and Physics

Director OH Yong-Geun of the IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, was awarded the 2019 “Korea Science Prize” at the ceremony held in the Gwacheon National Science Museum.

A world-renowned mathematician in geometry, Director Oh earned his B.A. from Seoul National University in 1983, before moving to America and receiving his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. In 2012, he became an IBS director to lead the Center for Geometry and Physics.

The MSIT stated that he was selected as the prize winner “in recognition of his role in positioning the floer theory as the main research tool of symplectic topology and as a leading researcher in the field of symplectic geometry and mirror symmetry, which is most actively studied in modern geometry and theoretical physics.”

He has become the fourth awardee of the Korea Science Prize at the IBS, following Director CHANG Sukbok of the IBS Center for Catalytic Hydrocarbon Functionalizations (2013); Director YEOM Han Woong of the IBS Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems (2015); and Associate Director PARK Je Geun of the IBS Center for Correlated Electron Systems (2016).


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