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South Korea-Japan partner on developing advanced laser photoelectron spectrometers 게시판 상세보기
Title South Korea-Japan partner on developing advanced laser photoelectron spectrometers
Name Communication Team Registration Date 2019-04-24 Hits 2651
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South Korea-Japan partner on developing advanced laser photoelectron spectrometers

South Korean and Japanese researchers have partnered on the development of world-class advanced laser photoelectron spectrometers. The Center for Correlated Electron Systems (CCES) of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and the Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP) of the University of Tokyo held the opening ceremony of the ISSP-CCES joint research laboratory at the Seoul National University on April 19, 2019.

From left to right: Associate Director Chanyoung Kim and Director Taewon Noh from CCES, IBS President Doochul Kim, President Sejung Oh from Seoul National University, Director Hatsumi Mori and Professor Shik Shin from ISSP in Japan.

▲ From left to right: Associate Director Chanyoung Kim and Director Taewon Noh from CCES, IBS President Doochul Kim, President Sejung Oh from Seoul National University, Director Hatsumi Mori and Professor Shik Shin from ISSP in Japan.

Established in 1957, ISSP is composed of 130 researchers, including 21 professors, who carry out condensed matter physics and materials science research with approximately KRW 50 billion annual research budget.

At this newly opened ISSP-CCES joint research laboratory, researchers will carry out the development of STARPES, advanced laser photoelectron spectrometers using ISSP’s Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES). CCES and ISSP will also expand their collaborations through exchange programs and regular workshops.


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