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IBS Conferences
Invitation to a Public Lecture 〈The Art of Science〉 by Dr. Michael Hoch, Wednesday, 4.24, 17:00-18:00 게시판 상세보기
Title Invitation to a Public Lecture 〈The Art of Science〉 by Dr. Michael Hoch, Wednesday, 4.24, 17:00-18:00
Name Communication Team Registration Date 2019-04-19 Hits 1829
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Invitation to a Public Lecture by Dr. Michael Hoch, Wednesday, 4.24, 17:00-18:00

The IBS Communications Team is delighted to invite you to a public lecture by Dr. Michael Hoch, a CERN scientist and artist. Dr. Michael Hoch highlights the overwhelming beauty of a huge scientific architecture, CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), a particle detector that is designed to see a wide range of particles and phenomena produced in high-energy collisions in the LHC at CERN. He is also a founder of the Art@CMS and "The ORIGIN Network". His artworks unveil the world of particle physics in a unique way which makes it easier to comprehend for everyone. Dr. Michael Hoch will share his ideas and work that are presented at his exhibition entitled “CMS@CERN-The Art of Science”. (The exhibition will open on Wednesday April 24.)

- Title of public lecture:
- By: Dr. Michael Hoch as part of his exhibition "CMS@CERN-The Art of Science"
- Date: Wednesday, 4.24, 17:00-18:00
- Place: Conference room, B109, Theoretical building at IBS HQ




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Public Relations Team : Yim Ji Yeob   042-878-8173
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20