Title | 〈CMS@CERN-The Art of Science〉 | ||||
Name | Communication Team | Registration Date | 2019-04-19 | Hits | 2722 |
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IBS and Korean CMS cordially invite you to IBS’s latest exhibition Michael Hoch, a CERN scientist and artist highlights the overwhelming beauty of a huge scientific architecture, CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) detector, located at the heart of the LHC. His artworks unveil the world of particle physics in a unique way which makes it easier to comprehend for everyone. This exhibition presents photography, collage and installations that capture the symmetry and beauty of the CMS detector. The magnificent beauty of this sophisticated scientific architecture will make you wonder about the boundary between art and science. You will also learn about the modern physics long journey to reveal the secrets of the universe. Your presence will make the exhibition all the more special.
Opening ceremony
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