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IBS Conferences

MOUs with International Institutes

영문_협약현황_국외입니다. 기관명, 기관성격, 혐정체결일/약정기간, 만료일,Contents
Institution 가나다 순으로 정렬 Country 가나다 순으로 정렬 Date Signed 가나다 순으로 정렬 Duration Contents
Indian Council of Medical Research India 2024.01.08 5years Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science Japan 2024.01.25 5 years Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
The Catalysis Innovation Consortium USA 2024.01.00 3years Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University USA 2023.10.19 5 years Utilization of SLAC Accelerator Research Institute’s research facilities and equipment, research cooperation, etc.
Institute of Planetary Research Germany 2023.10.23 4 years Joint research and establishment of an organic cooperation system for Venus observation, etc.
Ochanomizu University (Graduate school of Humanities and Science) Japan 2023.11.08 5 years Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
Ochanomizu University (Faculty of Science) Japan 2023.11.08 5 years Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
The Centre de Recherches Mathématiques(CRM) Canada 2023.10.00 5 years Promoting research exchanges, activating exchanges of research personnel, jointly hosting academic activities, etc.
Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics Czech Republic 2023.06.30 5 years Research cooperation in areas of common interest between both organizations, human exchange and mutual use of academic information materials, mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China China 2023.04.19 5 years Research cooperation in areas of common interest between both organizations, human exchange and mutual use of academic information materials, mutual exchange of research resources, etc.

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Office of Communications : Ku, Bon Chul   042-878-8103
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20