High viral transmission amongst populations with high vaccination coverages accelerates the endemic transition of COVID-19 / 바이러스 전파율 높으면 토착화 앞당겨진다

KAIST, IBS, 고려대구로병원 등 공동연구팀이 코로나19 바이러스의 전파율이 높으면 중증화율이 낮아져 토착화를 앞당긴다는 연구결과를 발표했다. KAIST 수리과학과의 김재경 교수(IBS 의생명수학그룹 연구책임자)와 홍혁표 석박사통합과정 연구원, 노지윤 고려대구로병원 감염내과 교수, 신의철 KAIST 의과학대학원 교수 (IBS 한국바이러스기초연구소 바이러스면역연구센터장) 연구팀은 수리 모델을 통해 바이러스 전파율이 올라가면 궁극적으로 코로나19 위중증화율이 떨어진다는 사실을 확인했다고 14일 밝혔다.

Researchers from KAIST, IBS, Korea University Guro Hospital, etc., revealed that high viral transmission unexpectedly accelerates the endemic transition of COVID-19 with reduced numbers of severe cases. On February 14th, a research team including Jae Kyoung Kim (principal investigator of the BIMAG, IBS), Hyukpyo Hong (Ph.D. student),  Ji Yun Noh (professor of Korea University Guro Hospital), and Eui-Cheol Shin (professor of KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering), said that they demonstrated high viral transmission of COVID-19 paradoxically reduces the rates of progression to severe COVID-19 and accelerates the endemic transition, based on mathematical modeling.

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