2024 Winter Interns

Wangwattanakool, Jaruwan
Graduate studentProject: Survey reduction for ISI of cancer patients
Graduate Student in Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
Email: jaruwan44993@gmail.com
Office: B219

Awan, Aqsa
Graduate studentProject: A Machine Learning-Based Development of a Shortened Version of the Fear of Progression-Questionnaire (FOP-Questionnaire)
Graduate Student at the Graduate School of Data Science, KAIST
Email: awanaqsa@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B227

Sadik, Adnan
Graduate studentProject: Development of Algorithms for Predicting OSA with SpO2 time-series
Undergraduate at Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST
Email: adnansadik235@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B217

Kim, Juhyeon (김주현)
Undergraduate studentProject : Sleep history estimation for circadian phase decision
Undergraduate student at Department of Biological Science, KAIST
Email: mnssrr123@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B225

Lee, Dasom (이다솜)
Undergraduate studentProject: Identifying Tipping Points in Sleep Patterns for Early Detection of Mood Disorders
Undergraduate student at Bigdata Science, Korea University
Email: lds021125@korea.ac.kr
Office: B217

Moon, Seokhwan (문석환)
Undergraduate studentProject: Purposing a structure of variance controller
Undergraduate student at the Department of Mathematics, Postech
Email: mseokhwan@postech.ac.kr
Office: B217

Kim, Jinyoung (김진영)
Graduate studentProject: The Decision of Cell Fate depending on p53 Signaling
Graduate student at the Department of Mathematics, POSTECH
Email: jinyoungkim@postech.ac.kr
Office: B231

Kim, Minwoo (김민우)
Undergraduate studentProject: Investigating the Relationship Between Excessive Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Comparison to CSS
Validation and Reverse-Engineering Modeling of a Simple Optogenetic Clock Model
Undergraduate student at the School of Computing, KAIST
Email: mw3520@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B233

Chung, Chang Yoon (정창윤)
Project: Attenuating Noise in Combined Transcriptional Repression Mechanisms Under Biologically Relevant Conditions
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta
Email: cchung4@ualberta.ca
Office: B217

Kim, Jiyeon (김지연)
Undergraduate studentProject: A New Paradigm in DLMO Estimation: Threshold-Responsive Estimation with Melatonin Dynamics Modeling
Undergraduate student at the Department of Mathematics, Ajou University
Email: gkim0201@ajou.ac.kr
Office: B219

Hwang, Gahee (황가희)
Undergraduate studentProject: Inferring the network structure of a small ecosystem using time series data
Undergraduate student at the Department of Mathematics, Pusan National University
Email: hgh3302@pusan.ac.kr
Office: B219

Son, Haewon (손해원)
Undergraduate studentProject: Developing a new method for estimating DLMO
Undergraduate student at the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST
Email: haewon030@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B223

Lee, Seungwon (이승원)
Undergraduate studentProject: Optimizing Key Parameters of the Circadian Pacemaker Model
Undergraduate student at School of Life Sciences, GIST
Email: seungwon.david.lee@gm.gist.ac.kr, odi0405@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B223

Park, Issac (박이삭)
Graduate studentProject: Developing a New scLENS Approach for scATAC-seq
Graduate student at Pusan National University
Email: issacpark@pusan.ac.kr
Office: B229

Han, Minseong (한민성)
Undergraduate studentProject: Identifying Sleep Phenotypes via Personalized Alertness Prediction
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematics, Sogang University
Email: alwayzhan@gmail.com
Office: B233
2024 Summer Interns

Kang, Yoonah
Graduate studentProject: Predicting daily mood variation of shift workers from sleep data
Graduate student at the Department of Statistics, Kyungpook National University
Email: kus536c_at_knu.ac.kr
Office: B224

Lee, Yejin
Undergraduate studentProject: Modeling chronic mitochondrial toxicity in cardiac cells
Undergraduate student at the Department of Physiology & Mathematics, McGill University
Email: yejin.lee2@mail.mcgill.ca
Office: B213

Choi, Sungjune
Graduate studentProject: Real-Time Optimization of Mathematical Models for Predicting Alertness
Graduate student at the Department of Statistics, Kyungpook National University
Email: csj6557@naver.com
Office: B224

Kumar, Shubhangi
Undergraduate studentProject: Modeling excitation-transcription coupling in cardiac cells
Undergraduate student at the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST
Email: shubh.kumar@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B220

Moon, Seokhwan
Undergraduate studentProject: Purposing a structure of variance controller
Undergraduate student at the Department of Mathematics, Postech
Email: mseokhwan@postech.ac.kr
Office: B217

Park, Junhyung
Undergraduate studentProject: The mechanism to reduce cell-to-cell heterogeneity in response to external stress such as antibiotics
Undergraduate student at Economics (UIC), Yonsei University
Email: jhp.yonsei@gmail.com
Office: B222

Lee, Junghyun
Graduate studentProject: Development of mathematical model incorporating circadian clock and cell cycle
Graduate student at the Department of Mathematics, University of Cincinnati
Email: lee9ju@mail.uc.edu
Office: B222

Kim, Jiyeon
Undergraduate studentProject: Detecting the risk of mood disorders among healthy individuals from the sleep-wake pattern information
Undergraduate student at the Department of Mathematics, Ajou University
Email: gkim0201@ajou.ac.kr
Office: B217

Lee, Hyungu
Graduate studentProject: Polysomnography Sleep Pattern Prediction from Actigraphy Data
Graduate student at the Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University
Email: lewis99102@gmail.com
Office: B224

Wieler, Adam
Undergraduate studentProject: Predicting Slow Wave Activity Utilizing a Mathematical Model of the Sleep-Wake Cycle
Undergraduate student at the Department of Mathematics, University of Manitoba
Email: wielera1@myumanitoba.ca

Lee, Dasom
Undergraduate studentProject: Detecting the risk of mood disorders among healthy individuals from the sleep-wake pattern information
Undergraduate student at Bigdata Science, Korea University
Email: llldddsss021125@naver.com
Office: B217

Choo, Hyunsuk
Undergraduate studentCurrent project : Inferring the network structure of a plankton community using time series data
New project : Developing data-driven causality detection method based on Taken’s theorem
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematics, Seoul National University
Email: cngustjr1235@snu.ac.kr
Office: B209

Lee, Yonghee
Undergraduate studentProject: Developing data-driven causality detection method based on Taken’s theorem
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST
Email: scinquiris@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B209

Shin, Daniel
Undergraduate studentProject: Enhancing Sleep Disorder Diagnosis: Integrating Lifestyle Factors into Machine-Learning Algorithms
Undergraduate student at Department of Chemical Biology, Brandeis University
Email: hshin@brandeis.edu
Office: B219

Lee, Sieun
Undergraduate studentProject: Improving Efficiency of Sleep Disorder Diagnosis via SymScore
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University
Email: sieun0421@knu.ac.kr
Office: B219

Jeong, Jaehun
Undergraduate studentProject: The impact of transcriptional repression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus on the synchronized frequency
Undergraduate student at Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University
Email: jaehoon0404@snu.ac.kr
Office: B225

Anar Rzayev
Undergraduate studentProject: Enhancing Sleep Disorder Diagnosis: Integrating Lifestyle Factors into Machine-Learning Algorithms; Imputing missing activity data
Undergraduate student at School of Computing, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST
Email: rzayev.anar1@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B220

Ashley Lawas
Undergraduate studentProject: Inferring phase-dependent regulations in RAS-MAPK system
Undergraduate student at Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics, University of the Philippines Los Baños
Email: allawas@up.edu.ph
Office: B211

Jeong, Jihyeok
Undergraduate studentProject: ODE-Based Inference in Network Motifs with Temporal Delays
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST
Email: lemontiktok@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B209

Krishna Mittal
Undergraduate studentProject: Real-time Optimization of Mathematical Models for Predicting Alertness
Undergraduate student at Aerospace Engineering, University of Leeds
Email: mn22kkm@leeds.ac.uk
Office: B220

Park, Yujin
Undergraduate studentProject: Predicting ESS Using Sleep Time series Data
Undergraduate student at Department of AI, Sangmyung University
Email: youzheld@naver.com
Office: B220

Ko, Kyeongtae
Undergraduate studentProject : Estimating the initial condition of E in SEIR model
Undergraduate student at Department of Statistics, Kyungpook National University
Email: kgt0813@knu.ac.kr
Office: B217

Serena Patel
Undergraduate studentProject : Enhancing Sleep Disorder Diagnosis
Undergraduate student at University of Leeds
Email: cm22sp@leeds.ac.uk
Office: B219

Kim, Juhyeon
Undergraduate studentProject : Finding the best initial condition for circadian phase marker estimation
Undergraduate student at Department of Biological Science, KAIST
Email: mnssrr123@kaist.ac.kr
Office: B225
2023 Winter Interns

Shin, Seolah
Project: PDE QSSA Validity
Submitted for publication: Seolah Shin†, Seok Joo Chae†, Seunggyu Lee*, and Jae Kyoung Kim*, Beyond homogeneity: Assessing the validity of the Michaelis–Menten rate law in spatially heterogeneous Environments
Graduate student at Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Korea University.
Email: ssaswb_at_korea.ac.kr

Moon, Seokhwan
Project: Robust Perfect Adaptation
Submitted for publication: Yuji Hirono†*, Seokhwan Moon†, Hyukpyo Hong, Jae Kyoung Kim*, Topological Criterion for Robust Perfect Adaptation of Reaction Fluxes in Biological Networks (Under Review in Science Advances)
Email: mseokhwan_at_postech.ac.kr

Choo, Hyunsuk
Project: Inferring the network structure of a small ecosystem using time series data
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University
Email: cngustjr1235_at_snu.ac.kr

Ardi, Faeyza Rishad
Project: Development of Python Package for scLENS
Undergraduate student at School of Computing, KAIST
Email: faeyza.rishad_at_kaist.ac.kr

Kim, Sungmun
Project: Development of Score-based Shortened Questionnaires using Machine Learning Algorithms
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST
Email: robo211_a_tkaist.ac.kr

Kim, Juhyeon
Project: Finding the best initial condition for the estimation of circadian phase marker
Undergraduate student at Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST
Email: mnssrr123_at_kaist.ac.kr

Ko, Kyeongtae
Project: Accurate simulation of distributed delay differential equation incorporating delay history of initial condition
Undergraduate student at Department of Statistics, Kyungpook National University
Email: kgt0813_at_knu.ac.kr

Lee, Sieun
Project: Data-driven a Shortened Version of a Medical Questionnaire: A Machine Learning Approach
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University
Email: sieun0421_at_knu.ac.kr

Ahn, Jongseok
Project: Comparison of Models for Human Circadian Pacemaker
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematics Education, Seoul National University
Email: jsa0429_at_snu.ac.kr

Yoo, Jihahm
Project: Alertness Model Personalization via Physics-informed Neural Network
High school student at Korea Science Academy
Office: B222
Email: jihahmyoo_at_gmail.com

Lee, Kwanhyeong
Project: Development of mathematical model of cardiac ventricular myocytes incorporating mitochondrial metabolism
Undergraduate student at College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University
Email: alex026376_at_sch.ac.kr

Lee, Yeonsu
Project: Imputation of Activity Data Utilizing Gaussian Process
Graduate student at Department of Statistics, Kyungpook National University
Email: lys010512_at_knu.ac.kr

Moon, Jaewon
Project: A simple mathematical model of ovulation induction
Undergraduate student at Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST
Email: jaewonmoon_at_kaist.ac.kr

Son, Changdae
Undergraduate student at Department of Statistics, Kyungpook National University
Email: cdson9911_at_gmail.com