CI Professor Jae Kyoung Kim has been appointed as the Chief Editor of the journal Current Opinion in Systems Biology. CI 김재경 교수가 Current Opinion in Systems Biology 저널의 cheif editor로 선정되었습니다.

On July 10th, CI Professor Jae Kyoung Kim was appointed as the Chief Editor of the journal Current Opinion in Systems Biology. Congratulations!

지난 7월 10일 CI 김재경 교수가 Current Opinion in Systems Biology 저널의 cheif editor로 선정되었습니다. 축하드립니다!

BIMAG members participated in the KSMB-SMB 2024 Seoul. BIMAG 멤버들이 KSMB-SMB 2024 Seoul 행사에 참여했습니다.

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BIMAG members participated in the KSMB-SMB 2024 Seoul event held from June 30 to July 5.

BIMAG 멤버들이 지난 6월 30일부터 7월 5일까지 열린 KSMB-SMB 2024 Seoul 행사에 참여했습니다.

CI Professor Jae Kyoung Kim gave a plenary talk and two mini-symposium talks

CI 김재경 교수는 Plenary 강연과 두 개의 미니 심포지엄 강연을 발표했습니다.

Plenary: Inference of Dynamic Networks in Biological Systems
MS 1: Mastering noise in rhythm generation: strategies for utilization and avoidance
MS 2: Beyond the Michaelis- Menten: Accurate Prediction of Drug Interactions Through Cytochrome P450 3A4 Induction

Dr. Eui Min and Dr. Seok Joo, along with Ph.D. students Yun Min, DongJu, and Olive, also gave presentations at the mini-symposium.

의민, 석주 박사와 윤민, 동주, Olive 학생도 미니심포지움에서 발표를 진행했습니다.

Eui Min: Combined multiple transcriptional repression mechanisms generate ultrasensitivity and robust oscillations
Seok Joo: Collective behavior of proteins filters spatiotemporal noise for robust circadian rhythms
Yun Min: A real-time, personalized sleep intervention using mathematical modelling and wearable devices / Universally valid reduction of multiscale stochastic biochemical systems using simple non-elementary propensities / Noisy Delay Denoises Biochemical Oscillators
Dongju: Accurate Prediction of Mood Episodes Using Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Features from Wearables
Olive: Model-based detection of causal relationships

Dr. Gyuyoung and Dr. Kevin, along with students Juhyeon, Seolah, Hyunsuk, and Hyeongjun, gave presentations at the poster session.

규영, Kevin 박사 및 주현, 설아, 현석, 형준 학생은 포스터 세션에서 발표를 진행했습니다.

Gyuyoung: On the interactions of flocking particles with the Stokes flow in an infinite channel
Kevin: Computational and mathematical approaches to understand glioma cells metabolism: characterization from transcriptomic data and focus on HIF pathways
Juhyeon: The Algorithm for Initial Condition Decision in Circadian Pacemaker Model to Predict Accurate Circadian Rhythm Phase
Seolah: Beyond Homogeneity: Assessing the Validity of the Michaelis-Menten Rate Law in Spatially Heterogeneous Environments
Hyunsuk: Inferring the network structure of a plankton community using time series data
Hyeong Jun: Accurate and precise parameter estimation and type identification in enzyme inhibition

We had the opportunity to interact and enjoy time with numerous outstanding mathematical biologists from around the world who attended the conference.

학회에 참석한 전세계의 수많은 훌륭한 수리생물학자들과 교류하고 함께 즐기는 시간을 가졌습니다.

BIMAG hosted the KSMB-SMB Satellite Workshop. BIMAG에서 KSMB-SMB Satellite Workshop을 개최했습니다.

From June 27 to 29, IBS BIMAG successfully hosted the KSMB-SMB Satellite Workshop: Tutorials for Recent Advances in Methods of Biomedical Mathematics.

지난 6월 27일부터 29일까지 IBS BIMAG에서 KSMB-SMB Satellite Workshop: Tutorials for Recent Advances in Methods of Biomedical Mathematics 행사를 성공적으로 개최했습니다.

Workshop website: (Link)

Six distinguished researchers gave lectures on fundamental topics and the latest results and methodologies in various fields of mathematical biology.

총 6분의 뛰어난 연구자들이 수리생물학의 여러 분야에 대한 기본적인 내용과 최신 결과 및 방법론에 대해 강연해 주셨습니다.

Additionally, on the first day of the event, there were a total of 35 poster presentations during the poster session.

더불어 행사 첫날 포스터 세션에서는 총 35편의 포스터 발표가 있었습니다.

On the last day of the event, during the excursion, we had an enjoyable time touring Gongsanseong Fortress and the Tomb of King Muryeong.

행사 마지막 날의 Excursion에서는 공산성과 무령왕릉 등을 관광하며 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다.

BIMAG Visiting Scholar, Professor Won Chang’s research has been featured in SIAM News. BIMAG Visiting Scholar 장원 교수의 연구가 SIAM News에 소개되었습니다.

On June 3rd, the research of Professor Won Chang, a visiting scholar at BIMAG, was featured in SIAM News. This study, which addressed the challenges of developing glacier models due to data scarcity through statistical methodologies, was covered in an article titled “Understanding Uncertainty in Glacier Models — Before the Ice Melts.”

지난 6월 3일, BIMAG Visiting Scholar 장원 교수의 연구가 SIAM News에 소개되었습니다. 데이터 부족 문제로 인한 빙하 모형 개발의 어려움을 통계적 방법론으로 해결한 이 연구는 ‘Understanding Uncertainty in Glacier Models — Before the Ice Melts’라는 제목의 기사에서 다루어졌습니다.

Dr. Kim Hyun’s interview has been published by BRIC. 김현 박사의 인터뷰가 한빛사에 공개되었습니다

On May 21st, an interview with Dr. Kim Hyun regarding the recent publication in Nature Communications, titled ‘scLENS: data-driven signal detection for unbiased scRNA-seq data analysis,’ has been featured on the Hanbit Publishing website.

지난 5월 21일 최근 Nature Communications 에 출판된 논문, scLENS: data-driven signal detection for unbiased scRNA-seq data analysis에 대한 김현 박사의 인터뷰가 한빛사 홈페이지에 게재되었습니다.

Interview Link: (Link)

IBS 의생명수학그룹 Biomedical Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 의생명수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Biomedical Mathematics Group (BIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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