Daniel Forger, The mathematics of the wearables with applications to circadian rhythms and sleep

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract: Millions of individuals track their steps, heart rate, and other physiological signals through wearables. This data scale is unprecedented; I will describe several of our apps and ongoing studies, each of which collects wearable and mobile data from thousands of users,


Dynamics-based data science in biology

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract: Life science has been a prosperous subject for a long time, and is still developing with high speed now. One of its major aims is to study the mechanisms of various biological processes on the basis of biological big-data. Many statistics-based


Advice to my younger self

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Facebook live streaming: https://www.facebook.com/10226475900150025/videos/10226475902790091 Age brings the benefit of experience and looking back at my job as a professor, there are a couple of things that fall into the category “I wish someone had told me that earlier”. In this seminar, I


Neural network aided approximation and parameter inference of stochastic models of gene expression

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract: Non-Markov models of stochastic biochemical kinetics often incorporate explicit time delays to effectively model large numbers of intermediate biochemical processes. Analysis and simulation of these models, as well as the inference of their parameters from data, are fraught with difficulties because


Towards individualized predictions of human sleep and circadian timing

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract: Accurate assessment of circadian timing is critical to many applications, including timing of drug delivery, prediction of neurobehavioral performance, and optimized scheduling of sleep. Current methods for measuring circadian timing are onerous and do not produce results in real time. Mathematical


Inference for Circadian Pacemaking

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract: Organisms have evolved an internal biological clock which allows them to temporally regulate and organize their physiological and behavioral responses to cope in an optimal way with the fundamentally periodic nature of the environment. It is now well established that the


Theory and design of molecular integral feedback controllers

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract: Homeostasis is a recurring theme in biology that ensures that regulated variables robustly adapt to environmental perturbations. This robust perfect adaptation feature is achieved in natural circuits by using integral control, a negative feedback strategy that performs mathematical integration to achieve

Exploiting evolution to design better cancer therapies

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract: Our current approach to cancer treatment has been largely driven by finding molecular targets, those patients fortunate enough to have a targetable mutation will receive a fixed treatment schedule designed to deliver the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). These therapies generally achieve


[CANCELED] Approaches to understanding tumour-immune interactions

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

CANCELED due to unexpected circumstances This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract: While the presence of immune cells within solid tumours was initially viewed positively, as the host fighting to rid itself of a foreign body, we now know that the tumour can manipulate immune cells so that

Stochastic processes as scientific instruments: efficient inference based on stochastic dynamical systems

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract: Questions about the mechanistic operation of biological systems are naturally formulated as stochastic processes, but confronting such models with data can be challenging.  In this talk, I describe the essence of the difficulty, highlighting both the technical issues and the importance

A temporal signaling code to specify immune responses

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract: Immune sentinel cells must initiate the appropriate immune response upon sensing the presence of diverse pathogens or immune stimuli. To generate stimulus-specific gene expression responses, immune sentinel cells have evolved a temporal code in the dynamics of stimulus responsive transcription factors.

Scaling in development

ZOOM ID: 709 120 4849 (ibsbimag) (pw: 1234)

This talk will be presented online. Zoom link: 709 120 4849 (pw: 1234) Abstract:  Within a given species, fluctuations in egg or embryo size is unavoidable. Despite this, the gene expression pattern and hence the embryonic structure often scale in proportion with the body length. This scaling phenomenon is very common in development and regeneration

IBS 의생명수학그룹 Biomedical Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 의생명수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Biomedical Mathematics Group (BIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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