The latest research by BIMAG members on predicting mood disorders has been featured in the news. BIMAG 멤버의 기분장애 예측에 관한 최신 연구가 뉴스를 통해 소개되었습니다

On November 25, the latest research by BIMAG members on predicting mood disorders was featured on news programs by broadcasters such as TJB and KBS. This study was recently published in the journal npj Digital Medicine under the title “Accurately predicting mood episodes in mood disorder patients using wearable sleep and circadian rhythm features.”

지난 11월 25일, BIMAG 멤버들의 기분장애 예측에 관한 최신 연구가 TJB, KBS 등의 방송사 뉴스에 소개되었습니다. 해당 연구는 최근 Accurately predicting mood episodes in mood disorder patients using wearable sleep and circadian rhythm features 라는 제목으로 npj Digital Medicine 저널에 출판되었습니다.

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