On January 04, 2022, Bon-Kyoung Koo from the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences gave a talk at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Seminar. The title of his talk was “Stem cell dynamics in the intestine and stomach”.
Hyukpyo Hong gave a talk on “The Generalized Multiset Sampler” at the Journal Club
On December 31, 2021, Hyukpyo Hong gave a talk on “The Generalized Multiset Sampler”, Kim and Maceachern, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2015
Chul-Hyun Cho gave a talk titled “Diagnosis and treatment using digital phenotype” at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Seminar
On December 29, 2021, Chul-Hyun Cho from Chungnam National University gave a talk at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Seminar. The title of his talk was “Diagnosis and treatment using digital phenotype”.
CI Jae Kyoung Kim presented a talk titled ‘A beautiful encounter of mathematics and brain science: from diagnosis to treatment’ at the 4th brain research forum for the future
Jae Kyoung Kim presented at the 4th brain research forum for the future, hosted by KBRI, KOFST, and KAST. The title of his talk was ‘A beautiful encounter of mathematics and brain science: from diagnosis to treatment’.
김재경 교수가 한국뇌연구원, 한국과학기술단체총연합회, 한국과학기술한림원에서 주최하는 ‘제4회 내일을 준비하는 뇌연구 공동 포럼’에서 ‘수학과 뇌과학의 아름다운 만남: 진단부터 치료까지’라는 제목으로 강연을 진행했습니다.
Yun Min Song gave a talk on “Information Integration and Energy Expenditure in Gene Regulation” at the Journal Club
On December 24, 2021, Yun Min Song gave a talk on “Information Integration and Energy Expenditure in Gene Regulation”, Estrada et al., Cell, 2016
Dae Wook Kim gave a talk titled “Methods for characterizing circadian physiology from wearables” at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Seminar
On December 23, 2021, Dae Wook Kim from the University of Michigan gave a talk at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Seminar. The title of his talk was “Methods for characterizing circadian physiology from wearables”.
BIMAG members participated in KSMB annual meeting.
From December 16 to 18, BIMAG members participated in KSMB annual meeting and presented our research as an invited talk (Prof. Jae Kyoung Kim) and posters (Dr. Hyun Kim, Dr. Aurelio de los Reyes V, Dr. Bryan Hernandez, Seokjoo Chae, Hyukpyo Hong, Yun Min Song, Seho Park).
Yun Min Song won the poster presentation award. Congratulation!
Bryan Hernandez gave a talk on “Stiff-PINN: Physics-Informed Neural Network for Stiff Chemical Kinetics” at the Journal Club
On December 15, 2021, Bryan Hernandez gave a talk on “Stiff-PINN: Physics-Informed Neural Network for Stiff Chemical Kinetics”, Ji et al., The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020
BIMAG members participated in KSIAM annual meeting.
From December 2 to 5, BIMAG members participated in KSIAM annual meeting and presented our research at special session (Prof. Jae Kyoung Kim, Dr. Hyun Kim), general session (Dr. Aurelio de los Reyes V, Dr. Bryan Hernandez, Eui Min Jeong), and poster session (Seokjoo Chae, Hyukpyo Hong, Yun Min Song, Seho Park, Seokmin Ha).
Hyukpyo Hong won the poster presentation award. Congratulation!
U jin Choi gave a talk titled “The Graph convolutional Networks (GCN) with Persistent Homology and its applications” at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Seminar
On December 10, 2021, U Jin Choi from KAIST gave a talk at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Seminar. The title of his talk was “The Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) with Persistent Homology and its applications.” It was the third talk among the four serial talks.