삼성서울병원 주은연·최수정·KAIST 김재경 교수 연구팀
수면패턴, 웨어러블 장치 이용해 측정 후 수리 모델로 분석
불규칙한 수면 부작용 최소화하는 ‘디지털 치료제’기대
[매일경제 뉴스 전문 (클릭)] – News
[논문 링크 (클릭)] – Paper
Welcome our new members!
Dr. De los Reyes Aurelio V A. (Senior researcher) and Dr. Bryan Hernandez (Postdoctoral fellow) have joined our group from October 1, 2021.
Dr. De los Reyes, Aurelio V A received his math Ph. D. from Karl-Franzens Universitaet Graz ( Austria) and has been an associate professor at University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD). He is the first recipient of the Dr. Concesa Milan-Baduel Professorial Chair in Mathematics awarded by UPD Institute of Mathematics. He has researched the mathematical models of cardiovascular-respiratory system, cancer, tuberculosis, and HIV.
Dr. Bryan S. Hernandez received his math Ph. D. from the University of the Philippines Diliman and has been an assistant professor at the same university. He is the recipient of the 2021 Outstanding Ph.D. Graduate Award of the Mathematical Society of the Philippines. He has researched on chemical reaction network theory and is also currently involved in modeling the transmission of COVID-19 in the Philippines.
수학동아 2021년 07호에 김재경 CI의 인터뷰가 공개되었습니다. Our group CI Jae Kyoung Kim interviewed with Mathematics Donga magazine.
수학동아 2021년 07호에 김재경 CI의 인터뷰가 공개되었습니다. ([IBS x 수학동아] 생명의 비밀 파헤치는 수학자-김재경 교수. Link)
링크에 들어가신 후 ‘PDF 잡지원본보기’를 클릭하시면 전문을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
The mathematics magazine, ‘Mathematics Donga’ published the interview of our group CI Jae Kyoung Kim, titled [IBS x Mathematics Donga] Mathematician revealing the secret of Biology, Professor Jae Kyoung Kim.
It is available via the link, and the entire article can be found by clicking ‘PDF 잡지원본보기’ on the website but only in Korean.
Sookkyung Lim gave a talk titled “Introduction to immersed boundary method for biofluids” at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Seminar
On June 18, 2021, Sookkyung Lim from the University of Cincinnati gave a talk at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Seminar. The title of her talk was “Introduction to immersed boundary method for biofluids.” Moreover, she had passionate discussions with our group members!
BIMAG Mugs are ready. Let’s take a coffee break!
We now have BIMAG mugs in our tea room 🙂
Please feel free to use them to have some coffee (with a newly purchased coffee beans)!
Ramon Grima gave an online talk titled “Neural network aided approximation and parameter inference of stochastic models of gene expression” at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Colloquium
On May 26, 2021, Ramon Grima from the University of Edinburgh gave an online talk at the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Colloquium. The title of his talk was “Neural network aided approximation and parameter inference of stochastic models of gene expression.”
Jae Kyoung Kim recorded a science communication podcast ‘Gwa Jang Chang (과학으로 장난치는 게 창피해? 과장창!)’ and now it is available.
Jae Kyoung Kim recorded the first episode in season 4 of a podcast ‘Gwa Jang Chang (과학으로 장난치는 게 창피해? 과장창!)’ and now it is available.
김재경 교수가 출연한 과학커뮤니케이션 팟캐스트 ‘과학으로 장난치는 게 창피해? 과장창!’ 시즌4 1화가 공개되었습니다.
Hyukpyo Hong gave a talk on Derivation of stationary distributions of stochastic chemical reaction networks via network translation at Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction Networks
On May 13, Hyukpyo Hong gave a talk on Derivation of stationary distributions of stochastic chemical reaction networks via network translation at Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction Networks. The related paper link is here.
Seokjoo Chae gave a talk on Extending Transfer Entropy Improves Identification of Effective Connectivity in a Spiking Cortical Network Model at the Journal Club
On May 14, 2021, Seokjoo Chae gave a talk on Extending Transfer Entropy Improves Identification of Effective Connectivity in a Spiking Cortical Network Model.
Junghyun Lee gave a talk on Bayesian ML/DL, with application to parameter inference of coupled non-linear ODEs at the Journal Club
On May 7, 2021, Jung Hyun Lee gave a talk introducing Bayesian ML/DL, with application to parameter inference of coupled non-linear ODEs.