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IBS Conferences
채용공고 : 담당자, 이메일, 담당 연락처, 담당처, 접수일, 점수마감일, 상태, 첨부파일, 내용을 보여준다
공고명 Call for Applications for Associate Director Positions of "Center for Geometry and Physics" in the Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
담당자 Research Evaluation Team 이메일 jaming@ibs.re.kr 담당자 연락처 042-878-8228
담당처 Research Evaluation Team 시작일 2017-04-04 마감일 2017-05-17
상태 마감
첨부파일 파일이 없습니다

Call for Applications for Associate Director Positions of "Center for Geometry and Physics" in the Institute for Basic Science (IBS)

IBS invites applications for Associate Director positions from senior-level researchers with high research potentials who will run his/her own research group in collaboration with the director(s) within their Research Centers.

1. Introduction of the research center

The IBS Center for Geometry and Physics (IBS-CGP) is working to bring the world's leading scientists in mathematics together with young researchers to collaborate on research projects with passion and commitment. The IBS-CGP is located on the campus of Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in Pohang, Korea. The IBS-CGP provides an open and autonomous research environment. The existing members of the IBS-CGP are working on symplectic geometry and topology, dynamical systems, mirror symmetry, algebraic geometry, and mathematical aspects of quantum field and string theory.

- (for more information) http://cgp.ibs.re.kr

2. Job description

The IBS Center for Geometry and Physics (IBS-CGP) invites applications for Associate Director positions from mathematicians of exceptional research record and leadership in the area of geometric topology, dynamical systems, algebraic geometry, and mathematical physics.

3. Requirements for the position (including the specific requirements set by the host institution or the research center)

  • - All candidates must be able to make a long-term commitment to IBS-CGP's research activities.
  • - All candidates must be able to manage their respective research groups.

4. Offer

  • - Internationally competitive salary (negotiable).
  • - Dual appointment at POSTECH as a tenured or tenure-track faculty member depending on the candidate's qualifications.
  • - Teaching load of two courses per year at POSTECH (one course for three years chosen by the appointee)
  • - Generous and flexible research grant
  • - Can hire 1-2 tenure-track and 3-4 postdoctoral researchers for his/her research group
  • - Free housing of about 105 m2 in size at the POSTECH Faculty Apartment until February 2022.
  • - For qualified overseas candidates, relocation expenses and some educational allowance for up to 2 children will be provided

5. General Selection Procedure

  • ① Recruitment of applicants by public advertisement
  • ② Selection of candidates for in-depth evaluation
  • ③ Symposium and in-depth interview by review panel
  • ④ Decision by the SEC(Selection & Evaluation Committee) about recommendation
  • ⑤ Negotiation with director
  • ⑥ Appointment by the president

6. Application Submission

  • - Please fill out the 'Application Form' in English and email it as a single PDF file to adapply@ibs.re.kr no later than May 17th, 2017
  • - E-mail title should include 'Name of Applicant' and 'Name of the Research Center'

[ Contact Information ]

  • Min-Kyung JANG, Research Evaluation Team
  • Division of Research Service
  • Institute for Basic Science. 70, Yuseong-daero 1689-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 34047
  • Tel. No.: +82-42-878-8228
  • Fax No.: +82-42-878-8065
  • Email: jaming@ibs.re.kr

* For more information, please visit IBS website (www.ibs.re.kr).

7. Download link for 'Application Form' and 'FAQ'


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인재경영팀 : 김주연   042-878-8269
최종수정일 2023-11-28 14:20