Extremal Combinatorics II
- Time: From September 24, 2024, every Tuesday and Thursday
8:30-10:00am (Beijing), 9:30-11:00am(Seoul). - Zoom: 346 934 4087, PW: 202409
- No class on October 1 & 3. Classes resume on October 8.
Please send homework to Zhuo.Wu@warwick.ac.uk
Part 2. Methods
1. Entropy method
- 9/24 Lecture 1: Entropy, joint/conditional entropy, quick application: volume of Hamming ball, Shannon-Khinchin axioms, independence, monotonicity, non-negativity. Tablet note
- 9/26 Lecture 2: Dependence, chain rule, dropping conditioning, subadditivity, Shearer’s lem, application: Loomis-Whitney ineq. Tablet note