11/28 Lecture 18: Behrend’s 3-AP-free construction, Green’s corner-free set, Erdős-Rothschild problem on book. Tablet note
12/3 Lecture 19: Using high dim grid: 1)Erdős-Rothschild book problem; 2) almost complete graph covered by almost linear-size induced matchings. Tablet note
12/17 Lecture 22: First moment, exponentially many well-separated sets, large sum-free subset, Markov’s inequality, graphs with large girth and chromatic number. Tablet note
12/19 Lecture 23: Concentration of measure, crossing lem via sampling, Szemerédi-Trotter pts/lines incidences, unit distance problem. Tablet note
12/24 Lecture 24: Alteration, threshold function for $G(n,p)$ containing a triangle, 2nd moment, Chebyshev’s inequality, Rödl Nibble, Pippenger-Spencer, independent sets in triangle-free graphs. Tablet note
12/26 Lecture 25: Nibble step in Ajtai-Komlós-Szemerédi, dependent random choice, phase transition of Ramsey-Turán number of $K_5$ at $\sqrt{n\log n}$: $\mathrm{RT}(n,K_5,o(\sqrt{n\log n}))=o(n^2)$. Tablet note